2024 Events:
January 19 - CVDC Annual Winter Party at Roberto's Log Cabin, 383 Rte. 87, Lebanon, CT. Cocktails and conversation starting at 5:30, dinner at 6:00. Please join us for our post-holiday, good old-fashioned social gathering and dinner party (no business meeting). March 15 - CVDC Movie Night at Lyme Library, 482 Hamburg Road (Rte. 156), Lyme, CT. Please join fellow CVDC members (guests are welcome) for a friendly evening of pizza, popcorn and selected carriage driving movie clips and shorts. Please bring your own drink of choice. June 1 (rain date June 2) - CVDC Cones Day at Lord Creek Farm, 373 Hamburg Road, (Rte. 156), Lyme, CT. Join other CVDC members for a fun, non-competitive event for you and your equine(s) to drive two regulation obstacles and a cones course at this beautiful farm! There will be a marked course for a short drive around the property. Bring friends and family...spectators are welcome! $15 entry fee....entry fee will be waived if you join CVDC at this event. October 20 - Pleasure Drive at Escoheag, RI, 200 Escoheag Road, Exeter, RI. Join fellow club members and guests for a drive through beautiful Escoheag/Arcadia Wildlife Management Area. Bring your lunch, a beverage and a chair for a gathering after the drive. November 21 - Turkey Trot and Annual Meeting at Cynthia Bliven's Woodland Farm in Lyme, CT. Our drive takes us into the beautiful Nehantic State Forest, followed by a potluck lunch and Annual Meeting/Election of Officers. The meeting will be held rain or shine but the Trot is weather dependent, no rain date. Stay tuned! More events are in the process of development!