Nov 24: Annual Nehantic Turkey Trot Drive
194 Beaver Brook Rd, Lyme, CT 06371
Potluck Lunch around 1 pm
Come along for a pre-Thanksgiving “Turkey Trot”!
Nehantic State Forest has miles of good dirt roads on rolling hills. Whips can do anywhere from 2 miles to 10 if they choose, mile markers will be posted, average distance is 5 miles. The first (and last) mile are on a lightly traveled dead end road. Plenty of parking at Cynthia Bliven’s Woodland Farm, where we will also join for a potluck lunch at around 1pm. If you forget to bring food, just bring your appetite, there is always plenty to go around! For more information, please call Cynthia Bliven, at 860-333-4055
October 19: Club Meeting
October 5: Machimoodus Picnic Drive
September 28: Club Meeting
September 7: Driving Derby at Mitchell Farm
CT Valley’s Driving Derby competition consists of two or three rounds over a course consisting of pairs of cones and marathon-type obstacles in an arena. Each driver will be timed through a numbered course of obstacles/gates in the proper direction and in numerical order to the finish line. Total time determines placings and the lowest time wins.
We are offering both training level and preliminary level. Drivers may enter horses of any breed and size, from minis to drafts. $20 per entry, donated to Mitchell Farm. Helmets & Coggins/rabies required. Groom required for all turnouts except single mini or single small pony. Gates open at 9 am, mandatory driver’s meeting at 9:30 am, first competitor on course at 10 am. Contact Steve Mazeau at 860-399-2282 or Peter VonHalem at 860-889-6467 for information and to enter.
August 3: Pachaug Picnic Drive
July 14: Carriage Driving Horse Show at North Stonington Fair
Sun., July 14, 2019 9:00 Registration; 10:00 Start Time North Stonington Agricultural Fair 21 Wyassup Road North Stonington, Connecticut 06359
The North Stonington Agricultural Fair is sponsored by the North Stonington Community Grange and the North Stonington Volunteer Fire Department and is known for providing the finest in entertainment, food, and wholesome fun for the entire family.
For many years the Fair has included the Working Farm Draft Horse Show. This year the name has been changed to the Carriage Driving Horse Show and the format will include a variety of driving horses, draft horses, ponies and Very Small Equines (VSE). It will be organized by the Connecticut Valley Driving Club, whose mission is to preserve the tradition of driving horses and carriages. Please join us as we present the general public with a wide variety of driving turnouts and disciplines.
Class List – there will be a lunch break as appropriate, but in any case before Scurry and Cones to allow for set-up:
> Ladies to Drive – All > Gentlemen to Drive – All > Open to Drive (VSE and ponies) > Open to Drive (horses / drafts) > Open to Drive (pairs) > Costume Class > Scurry (VSE and ponies) > Scurry (horses / drafts) > Cones Course
>> Driver of the Day will be awarded.
Hard Hats are required for anyone on the carriage while driving any of the Scurry Classes or Cones Course. Drivers should be appropriately dressed. Slacks and shirts are preferable to t-shirts and cut-off jeans. Prize Money and Six Ribbons will be awarded for each class. Show management may combine, divide or eliminate classes as entries warrant. Proof of negative Coggins/Rabies shot required. For more information contact: Peter Von Halem (860-889-6467) or Beth Holland (860-861-7031).
June 30: Escoheag Picnic Drive
May 25: Spring Driving Clinic with Jeff Morse at Mitchell Farm
April 6: Club Meeting
March 2: Club Meeting
February 2: Club Meeting
January 5: Club Meeting
194 Beaver Brook Rd, Lyme, CT 06371
Potluck Lunch around 1 pm
Come along for a pre-Thanksgiving “Turkey Trot”!
Nehantic State Forest has miles of good dirt roads on rolling hills. Whips can do anywhere from 2 miles to 10 if they choose, mile markers will be posted, average distance is 5 miles. The first (and last) mile are on a lightly traveled dead end road. Plenty of parking at Cynthia Bliven’s Woodland Farm, where we will also join for a potluck lunch at around 1pm. If you forget to bring food, just bring your appetite, there is always plenty to go around! For more information, please call Cynthia Bliven, at 860-333-4055
October 19: Club Meeting
October 5: Machimoodus Picnic Drive
September 28: Club Meeting
September 7: Driving Derby at Mitchell Farm
CT Valley’s Driving Derby competition consists of two or three rounds over a course consisting of pairs of cones and marathon-type obstacles in an arena. Each driver will be timed through a numbered course of obstacles/gates in the proper direction and in numerical order to the finish line. Total time determines placings and the lowest time wins.
We are offering both training level and preliminary level. Drivers may enter horses of any breed and size, from minis to drafts. $20 per entry, donated to Mitchell Farm. Helmets & Coggins/rabies required. Groom required for all turnouts except single mini or single small pony. Gates open at 9 am, mandatory driver’s meeting at 9:30 am, first competitor on course at 10 am. Contact Steve Mazeau at 860-399-2282 or Peter VonHalem at 860-889-6467 for information and to enter.
August 3: Pachaug Picnic Drive
July 14: Carriage Driving Horse Show at North Stonington Fair
Sun., July 14, 2019 9:00 Registration; 10:00 Start Time North Stonington Agricultural Fair 21 Wyassup Road North Stonington, Connecticut 06359
The North Stonington Agricultural Fair is sponsored by the North Stonington Community Grange and the North Stonington Volunteer Fire Department and is known for providing the finest in entertainment, food, and wholesome fun for the entire family.
For many years the Fair has included the Working Farm Draft Horse Show. This year the name has been changed to the Carriage Driving Horse Show and the format will include a variety of driving horses, draft horses, ponies and Very Small Equines (VSE). It will be organized by the Connecticut Valley Driving Club, whose mission is to preserve the tradition of driving horses and carriages. Please join us as we present the general public with a wide variety of driving turnouts and disciplines.
Class List – there will be a lunch break as appropriate, but in any case before Scurry and Cones to allow for set-up:
> Ladies to Drive – All > Gentlemen to Drive – All > Open to Drive (VSE and ponies) > Open to Drive (horses / drafts) > Open to Drive (pairs) > Costume Class > Scurry (VSE and ponies) > Scurry (horses / drafts) > Cones Course
>> Driver of the Day will be awarded.
Hard Hats are required for anyone on the carriage while driving any of the Scurry Classes or Cones Course. Drivers should be appropriately dressed. Slacks and shirts are preferable to t-shirts and cut-off jeans. Prize Money and Six Ribbons will be awarded for each class. Show management may combine, divide or eliminate classes as entries warrant. Proof of negative Coggins/Rabies shot required. For more information contact: Peter Von Halem (860-889-6467) or Beth Holland (860-861-7031).
June 30: Escoheag Picnic Drive
May 25: Spring Driving Clinic with Jeff Morse at Mitchell Farm
April 6: Club Meeting
March 2: Club Meeting
February 2: Club Meeting
January 5: Club Meeting