April 5: Club Meeting
April 12: Club Drive: Machimoodius/Sunrise State Park
April 27: Spring Clinic with Bill Broe
High Hopes, Old Lyme, CT
Bill Broe, based in Ancramdale NY, is a trainer and competitor in ridden dressage and combined driving. He has been riding, driving and training horses for 30 years. As an instructor, he is known for his patience and persistence, working with drivers to find new ways to develop better results. Some of his articles, published in The Whip, and other information can be found at www.ahorsedrawnaffair.com
Clinic Details:
May 3: Club Meeting
May 4: Club Drive: Pachaug State Forest
May 31: 2014 Horse Driving Trial
June 1: 2014 Fun Day and Clinics
June 7: Club Meeting
June 21: Club Drive: Escoheag-Legrand Reynolds Horsemen’s Area
July 26: Scurry and Fun Day: Mitchell Farm
300 East Haddam Rd (Rt. 82), Salem, Connecticut
Starting at 10:00 am
This is our Fun Day for 2014 and CVDC’s first American Scurry Challenge event, to be held at Mitchell Farm on Rt. 82 in Salem, CT. We recognize that this is a new event for many people, so we intend to give lots of instructions and encouragement! Scurries are first and foremost “FUN”. They are about getting your horses and ponies out for a nice day of driving and cheering on your friends & fellow drivers.
Fun Day is informal, everybody will be timed and placed but there will be no prizes or ribbons. Driving aprons are not required. Hard hats are. Bring your own lunch. There is an ice cream stand in walking distance, restaurants and fuel within 8 minutes by car. Water is available on site but may have to be carried some distance.
YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A CLUB MEMBER TO PARTICIPATE (but if you are not, we hope this will encourage you to join!)
• $15.00 per entry is suggested as donation to Mitchell Farm Equine Retirement
• Cash or make check payable to: Mitchell Farm Equine Retirement (it is probably tax deductible)
• You may bring paperwork incl. Coggins on day of event.
• Questions: call Peter von Halem, (860) 889-6467 or Henry Tarryk (860) 639-3733
• Directions – visit www.mitchellfarm.org
August 9: Field Trip: New England Carousel Museum
Join us for a guided tour of the New England Carousel Museum. Club members, friends and guests: meet in museum parking lot @ 10:30, tour starts at 11. Cost is $6.00 per person, paid at the door. Please RSVP to Kathie Rindge @ 860-573-6359 as they have requested a head count.
New England Carousel Museum
95 Riverside Ave Bristol, CT, USA 06010
“Hartford is proud to be the home of one of three remaining wooden carousels created by Solomon Stein and Harry Goldstein in the early 1900’s. It’s a sweet surprise to find a vintage 1914 carousel standing in Bushnell Park. There, by the shadow of skyscrapers and a giant Turkey Oak, a 24-sided pavilion houses 48 hand-carved wooden horses and two lovers’ chariots that swirl around a booming Wurlitzer band organ. Turning 100 years old in 2014, this Carousel maintains the past, while the future buds all around it.”
September 6: Club Meeting: Nutritionist
Tiffany Wyman, a nutritionist from Nutrena, will be on hand to discuss proper equine nutrition and to bring us up to date on new understanding in the world of horse feed. This is your opportunity to fine-tune your feeding program for your horse’s optimal health and performance. All questions welcome, including for your dogs, chickens, and other species. Meeting begins at 6:30 – POTLUCK – followed by discussion. We look forward to seeing you there.
September 20: Joint Drive with ECDHA: Pachaug State Forest
At their invitation, we will be driving the Pachaug State Forest roads with our friends and neighbors from the Eastern CT Draft Horse Assoc., September 20, 10 am. Meet at the Frog Hollow Equestrian Camping Area (see below). Explore the numerous trails in Pachaug and then enjoy a relaxing (BYO) lunch with good friends – don’t forget your chair. RSVP is not required to attend, just show up – if you have any questions, please contact Peter VonHalem at 860.889.6467.
Directions from the Norwich area: Take I-395 north, Exit 85. Go through the 1st light. At the next stop light take a right onto Route 138 east. Follow for 9 miles to Voluntown then take a left onto Route 49 north. Forest entrance will be 1 mile ahead on the left. The “Frog Hollow Equestrian Camping Area” is about 2.2 miles into the park. You will come to what looks like a 4 way intersection with a large tree on the left. Turn left before the tree, go about 300 yards, the camping area is on the right.
October 18: Club Drive: Lord Creek Farm
Janie Davis’ lovely Lord Creek Farm will be our venue for a pleasant fall drive. Lots of trails, some hilly terrain. The horse activities at Lord Creek are administered by the Lyme Trail Association. A donation of $ 10.00 to the association is suggested.
Plan to be on the grounds no later than 10.00, driving out approximately 11 or when you are ready (not necessarily in groups). Parking will be in the front field. The trail will be marked. The weather forecast for this area on Saturday is excellent: 67 degrees, partly cloudy, no rain. Bring lunch for a pick nick after the drive.
Please contact Kathie Rindge to let her know that you are coming: (home: 860 228-3801) (cell: 860 573-6359)
Directions/address/ map:
Lord Creek
373 Hamburg Rd (Rt 156) Lyme, CT 06371
From I-95 north, exit 70, end of ramp go left onto 156N, go 2.6 miles to Lord Creek Farm on left. From I-95 south, exit 70, at end of ramp go straight onto Halls Rd. 1/4 mile to light, turn right onto 156N, go 2.6 miles to Lord Creek Farm on left. From Rt 2/11, south to Rt. 82W, go south on 156 for 6 miles to Lord Creek Farm on right.
November 1: Club Meeting
This is the Annual Meeting of the CVDC starting at 6.30 pm at the East Haddam Grange, 488 Town St. East Haddam, CT06423. Non-members are also welcome to attend, although not as voting participants during the formal meeting portion of the evening.
The gourmets among you will be glad to hear that it is a pot luck supper meeting. The main item on the agenda is the “reelection” of officers. It seems they have all agreed to run again. However nominations from the floor are allowed and welcome. So here is your last chance, don’t be shy.
Also at this meeting Randy Sabatino is planning a rein handling clinic. Randy has this to say: “Our program for Saturday evening November 1st involves learning about proper contact and balance when driving your horse(s). We will use the chairs at the Grange and your own driving reins to accomplish this. The idea for this program came from Hardy Zantke, who graciously gave us permission to use his ideas… We are also hoping to get an explanation of proper thickness of reins and how to hold them.”
Bring your favorite driving lines (and maybe your gloves) along with your pot luck to the meeting. Come one, come all! This should be good educational fun!
November 23: Nehantic Turkey Trot: Woodland Farm
194 Beaver Brook Rd, Lyme, CT 06371
11 AM
Come along for a pre-Thanksgiving “Turkey Trot”!
Nehantic State Forest has miles of good dirt roads on rolling hills. We are planning a 5-6 mile drive. Whips can do anywhere from 2 miles to 10 if they choose, mile markers will be posted. The first (and last) mile are on a lightly traveled dead end road. Plenty of parking at Cynthia Bliven’s Woodland Farm, where we will also join for lunch (firepit and marshmallows if we feel ambitious!). Bring your lunch and a chair. For directions, click on the Nehantic Drive link in the right sidebar. For more information, please call this drive’s sponsor, Cynthia Bliven, at 860-434-3213.
December 27: Holiday Party
Again this year, we will gather to celebrate the season AFTER the Big Day, which we hope will make it easier to work into your schedule.
Dinner will be SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27 at Angelico’s Lake House in East Hampton – 6:30 pm to whenever. PLEASE RSVP TO KATHIE RINDGE at (860) 228-3801. If we have enough members attending, we may reserve a private room.
Dinner is your choice, pay-as-you-go (ie, not paid by CVDC). Angelico’s offers an extensive dinner menu, plus a separate GLUTEN-FREE menu.
Angelico’s Lake House
81 N Main St East Hampton, CT, USA 06424
April 12: Club Drive: Machimoodius/Sunrise State Park
April 27: Spring Clinic with Bill Broe
High Hopes, Old Lyme, CT
Bill Broe, based in Ancramdale NY, is a trainer and competitor in ridden dressage and combined driving. He has been riding, driving and training horses for 30 years. As an instructor, he is known for his patience and persistence, working with drivers to find new ways to develop better results. Some of his articles, published in The Whip, and other information can be found at www.ahorsedrawnaffair.com
Clinic Details:
- Format: Individual 45-minute sessions, beginning at 8 am.
- CVDC Members $90, first come, first served.
- Non-members $105. Fee includes CVDC membership for remainder of club year (through Nov 30).
- Auditors: $20. Excellent sound system, you won’t miss a thing. (Drivers: one groom free of charge.)
May 3: Club Meeting
May 4: Club Drive: Pachaug State Forest
May 31: 2014 Horse Driving Trial
June 1: 2014 Fun Day and Clinics
June 7: Club Meeting
June 21: Club Drive: Escoheag-Legrand Reynolds Horsemen’s Area
July 26: Scurry and Fun Day: Mitchell Farm
300 East Haddam Rd (Rt. 82), Salem, Connecticut
Starting at 10:00 am
This is our Fun Day for 2014 and CVDC’s first American Scurry Challenge event, to be held at Mitchell Farm on Rt. 82 in Salem, CT. We recognize that this is a new event for many people, so we intend to give lots of instructions and encouragement! Scurries are first and foremost “FUN”. They are about getting your horses and ponies out for a nice day of driving and cheering on your friends & fellow drivers.
Fun Day is informal, everybody will be timed and placed but there will be no prizes or ribbons. Driving aprons are not required. Hard hats are. Bring your own lunch. There is an ice cream stand in walking distance, restaurants and fuel within 8 minutes by car. Water is available on site but may have to be carried some distance.
YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A CLUB MEMBER TO PARTICIPATE (but if you are not, we hope this will encourage you to join!)
• $15.00 per entry is suggested as donation to Mitchell Farm Equine Retirement
• Cash or make check payable to: Mitchell Farm Equine Retirement (it is probably tax deductible)
• You may bring paperwork incl. Coggins on day of event.
• Questions: call Peter von Halem, (860) 889-6467 or Henry Tarryk (860) 639-3733
• Directions – visit www.mitchellfarm.org
August 9: Field Trip: New England Carousel Museum
Join us for a guided tour of the New England Carousel Museum. Club members, friends and guests: meet in museum parking lot @ 10:30, tour starts at 11. Cost is $6.00 per person, paid at the door. Please RSVP to Kathie Rindge @ 860-573-6359 as they have requested a head count.
New England Carousel Museum
95 Riverside Ave Bristol, CT, USA 06010
“Hartford is proud to be the home of one of three remaining wooden carousels created by Solomon Stein and Harry Goldstein in the early 1900’s. It’s a sweet surprise to find a vintage 1914 carousel standing in Bushnell Park. There, by the shadow of skyscrapers and a giant Turkey Oak, a 24-sided pavilion houses 48 hand-carved wooden horses and two lovers’ chariots that swirl around a booming Wurlitzer band organ. Turning 100 years old in 2014, this Carousel maintains the past, while the future buds all around it.”
September 6: Club Meeting: Nutritionist
Tiffany Wyman, a nutritionist from Nutrena, will be on hand to discuss proper equine nutrition and to bring us up to date on new understanding in the world of horse feed. This is your opportunity to fine-tune your feeding program for your horse’s optimal health and performance. All questions welcome, including for your dogs, chickens, and other species. Meeting begins at 6:30 – POTLUCK – followed by discussion. We look forward to seeing you there.
September 20: Joint Drive with ECDHA: Pachaug State Forest
At their invitation, we will be driving the Pachaug State Forest roads with our friends and neighbors from the Eastern CT Draft Horse Assoc., September 20, 10 am. Meet at the Frog Hollow Equestrian Camping Area (see below). Explore the numerous trails in Pachaug and then enjoy a relaxing (BYO) lunch with good friends – don’t forget your chair. RSVP is not required to attend, just show up – if you have any questions, please contact Peter VonHalem at 860.889.6467.
Directions from the Norwich area: Take I-395 north, Exit 85. Go through the 1st light. At the next stop light take a right onto Route 138 east. Follow for 9 miles to Voluntown then take a left onto Route 49 north. Forest entrance will be 1 mile ahead on the left. The “Frog Hollow Equestrian Camping Area” is about 2.2 miles into the park. You will come to what looks like a 4 way intersection with a large tree on the left. Turn left before the tree, go about 300 yards, the camping area is on the right.
October 18: Club Drive: Lord Creek Farm
Janie Davis’ lovely Lord Creek Farm will be our venue for a pleasant fall drive. Lots of trails, some hilly terrain. The horse activities at Lord Creek are administered by the Lyme Trail Association. A donation of $ 10.00 to the association is suggested.
Plan to be on the grounds no later than 10.00, driving out approximately 11 or when you are ready (not necessarily in groups). Parking will be in the front field. The trail will be marked. The weather forecast for this area on Saturday is excellent: 67 degrees, partly cloudy, no rain. Bring lunch for a pick nick after the drive.
Please contact Kathie Rindge to let her know that you are coming: (home: 860 228-3801) (cell: 860 573-6359)
Directions/address/ map:
Lord Creek
373 Hamburg Rd (Rt 156) Lyme, CT 06371
From I-95 north, exit 70, end of ramp go left onto 156N, go 2.6 miles to Lord Creek Farm on left. From I-95 south, exit 70, at end of ramp go straight onto Halls Rd. 1/4 mile to light, turn right onto 156N, go 2.6 miles to Lord Creek Farm on left. From Rt 2/11, south to Rt. 82W, go south on 156 for 6 miles to Lord Creek Farm on right.
November 1: Club Meeting
This is the Annual Meeting of the CVDC starting at 6.30 pm at the East Haddam Grange, 488 Town St. East Haddam, CT06423. Non-members are also welcome to attend, although not as voting participants during the formal meeting portion of the evening.
The gourmets among you will be glad to hear that it is a pot luck supper meeting. The main item on the agenda is the “reelection” of officers. It seems they have all agreed to run again. However nominations from the floor are allowed and welcome. So here is your last chance, don’t be shy.
Also at this meeting Randy Sabatino is planning a rein handling clinic. Randy has this to say: “Our program for Saturday evening November 1st involves learning about proper contact and balance when driving your horse(s). We will use the chairs at the Grange and your own driving reins to accomplish this. The idea for this program came from Hardy Zantke, who graciously gave us permission to use his ideas… We are also hoping to get an explanation of proper thickness of reins and how to hold them.”
Bring your favorite driving lines (and maybe your gloves) along with your pot luck to the meeting. Come one, come all! This should be good educational fun!
November 23: Nehantic Turkey Trot: Woodland Farm
194 Beaver Brook Rd, Lyme, CT 06371
11 AM
Come along for a pre-Thanksgiving “Turkey Trot”!
Nehantic State Forest has miles of good dirt roads on rolling hills. We are planning a 5-6 mile drive. Whips can do anywhere from 2 miles to 10 if they choose, mile markers will be posted. The first (and last) mile are on a lightly traveled dead end road. Plenty of parking at Cynthia Bliven’s Woodland Farm, where we will also join for lunch (firepit and marshmallows if we feel ambitious!). Bring your lunch and a chair. For directions, click on the Nehantic Drive link in the right sidebar. For more information, please call this drive’s sponsor, Cynthia Bliven, at 860-434-3213.
December 27: Holiday Party
Again this year, we will gather to celebrate the season AFTER the Big Day, which we hope will make it easier to work into your schedule.
Dinner will be SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27 at Angelico’s Lake House in East Hampton – 6:30 pm to whenever. PLEASE RSVP TO KATHIE RINDGE at (860) 228-3801. If we have enough members attending, we may reserve a private room.
Dinner is your choice, pay-as-you-go (ie, not paid by CVDC). Angelico’s offers an extensive dinner menu, plus a separate GLUTEN-FREE menu.
Angelico’s Lake House
81 N Main St East Hampton, CT, USA 06424