02/07/15 – Monthly Club Meeting: Tack and Talk
Where: East Haddam Grange (map)
488 Town Street East Haddam, CT 06423
Other Info: Meeting 6:30 pm at the grange. Includes potluck, bring a dish to share. Bring your dirty harness and cleaning supplies, spin a few yarns, dream a few dreams, enjoy your friends.
03/07/15 – Monthly Club Meeting: Horse Crematorium
Where: East Haddam Grange (map)
488 Town Street East Haddam, CT 06423
Other Info: Meeting 6:30 pm at the grange. Program: Horse Crematorium. NO potluck.
04/11/15 – Monthly Club Meeting
Where: East Haddam Grange (map)
488 Town Street East Haddam, CT 06423
Other Info: Meeting 6:30 pm at the grange. Program: Adopt-A-Park: Machimoodus State Park & Sunrise Resort. Discussion with State Representative Melissa Ziobron (34 district) and DEEP Coordinator Wanda Torres. Includes potluck, bring a dish to share.
High Hopes Therapeutic Riding 36 Town Woods Road, Old Lyme, Connecticut 06371
Cynthia Bliven, one of the founding members of the CT Valley Driving Club, has been riding/driving, training and instructing for over 40 years. She has successfully competed in Pleasure Shows and Combined Driving Events (including when they still had all 5 sections), won championships at breed shows, and trained numerous horses and ponies to happy careers both in the show-ring and for recreational pursuits. She is a talented clinician, clearly explaining basics to beginners and challenging more experienced whips to improve their performance in logical ways.
Cynthia is highly skilled in the use of longlining as a training and performance-enhancing tool. She will also offer longlining sessions, and is available for ridden instruction as well.
Clinic Details:
04/25/15 – Club Drive: Machimoodus
Where: Machimoodus/Sunrise State Park (map)
142 Leesville Road Moodus, CT 06469
** NEW IN 2015: With the addition of the old Sunrise Resort, there are now more driving trails. Some of the trails have been cleared and improved with the help of CVDC club members. This is a local venue with easy access and will be a benefit to *all* horse people, drivers and riders, now and well into the future. We want to make our presence and interest apparent to the State through frequent and respectful use and encourage you to join us on our club outings. Machimoodus is a state park located in village of Moodus, which is part of the town of East Haddam, Connecticut. It consists of the former Echo Farm and the former Sunrise Resort, purchased in late 2008. Machimoodus has trails that follow old roads and pathways in a scenic area with great views of the Salmon and Moodus Rivers, quarries and swamps. Its a great location for bird watching, fishing, hiking and horseback riding and driving.
Other Info: First drive of the season! 11 am start. Contact Kathie Rindge to let her know you are coming (860-573-6359).
05/02/15 – Monthly Club Meeting: Harness Styles, Fit and Adjustment
Where: Cynthia Bliven, Woodland Farm (map)
194 Beaver Brook Rd Lyme, CT, USA 06371
On Beaver Brook halfway between Rt 156 and Gungy/Grassy Hill Rd, barn with silo. One mile to Nehantic State Forest. Barn phone: 86O-434-32I3. Cynthia: 86O-333-4O55
Other Info: Meeting 6:30 pm. BRING A CHAIR PLEASE. No potluck, table available for those who want to bring something. Plenty of room.
05/16/15 – Club Drive: Pachaug
Where: Pachaug State Forest (map)
219 Ekonk Hill Rd Voluntown, CT 06384
Pachaug is a great place to drive. In the Chapman area is the Frog Hollow Horse Camp—a large circular road with 18 horse camp sites for parking, a center green with picnic camp fire area. Nice non-paved woods roads. DIRECTIONS from Route 395 heading north. Take Exit 85, and continue straight past the first intersection (164) to Route 138 and turn RIGHT> Drive 6.5 miles and turn LEFT onto Route 49, and continue .6 of a mile just past the river, and turn LEFT into Pachaug State Forest on the LEFT. Follow that road in until you get to the intersection and stay towards the left. Don’t go towards the office. Then simply follow the signs for the Frog Hollow Horse Camp in the Chapman area. DIRECTIONS from Route 395 heading south. Take Exit 85, turn LEFT onto Route 138 and follow directions above.
Other Info: Start at 11 am. Raindate 5/17. Contact: Kathie Rindge @ 860-228-3801 or [email protected] to let her know you are coming.
The Connecticut Valley Driving Trial is gearing up for JUNE 6, 2015 – we are still accepting entries! This eagerly awaited event will once again take place at the beautiful Haddam Meadows State Park in Haddam, CT. Larry Poulin will serve as President of the Jury and Craig Kellogg will join us as Technical Delegate.
Also Clinic and Fun Day Slots Available for Sunday Fun Day!
• Enjoy a lesson with one of the officials the day after the event
• Or just come and play on the course for your enjoyment and practice!
• Dressage ring, cones and hazards available most of the day (through early afternoon).
• Competitors: send your clinic request along with your entry – we make it easy for you!
• Event Volunteers: remember, you get a nice discount for lessons – take this opportunity to sign up!
Some refreshments (coffee, etc.) will be provided. Please bring a light lunch for yourself. Send check made out to CVDC, Coggins and Rabies Certificate to Kathie Rindge, 36 Hoadly Rd, Amston CT 06231 / 860-228-3801 / [email protected] — mention preference for AM or PM slot. Please indicate when registering whether you would like an additional session, if they are available.
Photos to be taken by Shoot That Horse! Photography (Lisa Cenis). To view proofs and order prints, send Lisa an email.
Sunday Fun Day – sign up for a clinic session with our event officials: Larry Poulin or Craig Kellogg. Remember: the course is open for driving and riding most of the day on Sunday, until approximately 3 pm. Volunteers play for free, others pay a small $10 fee. CALL MARGUERITE HAYBER AT 860-817-3181 TO SCHEDULE A LESSON OR FOR QUESTIONS
Horse Driving Trials: What’s It All About?
For those who want just a little more information…. here is a (very) brief summary of what happens during our Horse Driving Trials. There are also many exciting videos on YouTube, search for “driving trials” or “combined driving events” – enjoy!
2015 Setup Volunteers
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 2015 PREP AND PLACEMENT (meet at Haddam Meadows at 5:30 pm)
Bill Lawson Lynn Warren Tom Wilcox Richard Hayber Peter Von Halem
Bill & Nancy Lawson, Steve Mazeau – Organizers Todd Gelston – Volunteer Coordinator Ginny Sutherland, Jill Vaccaro – Volunteer Refreshments
Marguerite Hayber – Obstacle 1 lead (2 obstacles, incl VSE) Ray Frick – Obstacle 3 lead Peter VonHalem, Nancy Lawson – Obstacles 2 & 4 lead (at will) East Haddam Agricultural Science Students (12) – obstacle crews
Tom Wilcox – general crew Reva Seybolt – general crew (midday – course) Erica Robb – general crew (midday – course) Cynthia Bliven – general crew (midday – course)
Carrie Wind, Steve Mazeau – dressage arena
FRIDAY, June 5, 2015 DECORATING, ROADS & DETAILS DAY 9:30 until … ~ Come when you can!! BRING SCREW GUNS IF YOU HAVE THEM!
Bill & Nancy Lawson, Steve Mazeau – Organizers Todd Gelston – Volunteer Coordinator Ginny Sutherland, Jill Vaccaro – Volunteer Refreshments
Linda Pershaec – general crew Alexis Wainwright – general crew Steve Mazeau – general crew Stephanie Naples – general crew Tom Wilcox – general crew Andrew Nanaa – general crew
Kathie Rindge, Dana Rindge – cones setup Charlotte Gelston – dressage arena decor Marguerite Hayber – secretary’s area setup Randy Sabatino – Judge & TD steward Jan Frick – scorekeeper setup
And anyone else who wants to stop by and help!! PIZZA & COURSE OPEN FOR WALKING*: 6:30p on the grounds (* course is not final until declared such by officials!)
2015 Event Day Volunteers--Saturday, June 6, 2015 Organizers: Bill & Nancy Lawson, Steven Mazeau Volunteer Coordinator: Todd Gelston Secretary: Marguerite Hayber Judge Steward: Randy Sabatino
AM Crew: 8:00am (Meet at Dressage/Cones as assigned)
5:45 AM Parking: Todd Gelston Trailer Safety Steward: Dick Mangino
Dressage Chair: Carrie Wind Dressage Gate Steward: Carrie Wind Dressage Scribe: Rita Bellinger
Cones Chair: Kathie Rindge Cones Scribe: Kathie Rindge Cones Gate Steward: Dana Rindge Cones Radio Relay 1: Hebron 4-H Leader Cones Radio Relay 2: Hebron 4-H #1 Cones Wheel Measurers (2): Hebron 4-H #2 and #3 Cones Setters: Hebron 4-H #4 through 10
Runners (scores & refreshments): Jennifer Onofrio, Laura Razowski
Scorekeeper: Jan Frick Scorekeeper’s asst: Jaye Winkler
PM Crew: 12pm Mandatory Briefing for all pm crew at Center Tent Radios Assistant/Runner: Nancy Franklin
Start Timers: Mary Adams, Robert Coates Start Asst: Randy Sabatino, Reva Seybolt End Timer: Ray Frick
Obstacles – team groupings and locations are flexible: Team A: Kathie Rindge, Dana Rindge, Steve Mazeau Team B: Jessica Axelson, Jennifer Onofrio, Laura Razowski Team C: Tom Wilcox, Claire Muskus, Carrie Wind Team D: Stephanie Naples, Andrew Nanaa, Sue Morton Spare Obstacle Judge: (Andrew Nanaa, if needed) Spare Obstacle Crew: Stephanie Rypsyc
Crossing Guards: Charlotte Gelston & Susan Nichols Vet: Twin Pines Equine / Dr. Matt Kornatowski Vet Box Asst: Linda Pershaec & Alexis Wainwright
06/20/15 – Monthly Club Meeting: HDT Event Review
Where: East Haddam Grange (map)
488 Town Street East Haddam, CT 06423
Other Info: 6:30 pm. Potluck at the Grange.
06/27/15 – Club Drive: Escoheag
Where: Escoheag, LeGrand Reynolds Horsemen's Area (map)
200 Escoheag Hill Road West Greenwich, RI 02832
Directions: From Route 395 heading Northbound Get off at Exit 85. Continue through stop sign (crossing Route 164) and stay straight to next intersection. Turn right onto Route 138 (South and East direction) and travel 7.5 miles. and bear onto Beach Pond Road/ CT-Route 165. Travel around 4.5 miles and turn LEFT onto Escoheag Hill Road and travel 1.5 to 2 miles to to LaGrande Reynolds Horsemen's Area on the left. We will be having lunch in the pavillion, so park with walking distance of that. (Once you're on Route 165 and cross the RI border, you will go up a hill, and then level out, and then go down a hill. Escoheag Hill Road comes up fast on the left -- so know that you'll see a horse farm on the right, and then a sign for Stepping Stone Farm and then the road will be there on the left). From Route 395 heading southbound: Route 395 to Exit 85. Turn left onto Route 138 (South and East direction) and travel 7.5 miles. and bear onto Beach Pond Road/ CT-Route 165. Travel around 4.5 miles and turn LEFT onto Escoheag Hill Road and travel 1.5 to 2 miles to to LaGrande Reynolds Horsemen's Area on the left. We will be having lunch in the pavillion, so park with walking distance of that. (Once you're on Route 165 and cross the RI border, you will go up a hill, and then level out, and then go down a hill. Escoheag Hill Road comes up fast on the left -- so know that you'll see a horse farm on the right, and then a sign for Stepping Stone Farm and then the road will be there on the left).
Other Info: Club drive - starts at 10 am. Raindate: June 28. Contact: Kathie Rindge @ 860-228-3801 or [email protected] to let her know you are coming.
07/18/15 – Monthly Club Meeting
Where: East Haddam Grange (map)
488 Town Street East Haddam, CT 06423
Other Info: 6:30 pm. Program: Ron Ross, Equine Dentist. No potluck. Meeting to discuss next year's driving trial.
07/25/15 – Club Drive: Machimoodus
Where: Machimoodus/Sunrise State Park (map)
142 Leesville Road Moodus, CT 06469
** NEW IN 2015: With the addition of the old Sunrise Resort, there are now more driving trails. Some of the trails have been cleared and improved with the help of CVDC club members. This is a local venue with easy access and will be a benefit to *all* horse people, drivers and riders, now and well into the future. We want to make our presence and interest apparent to the State through frequent and respectful use and encourage you to join us on our club outings. Machimoodus is a state park located in village of Moodus, which is part of the town of East Haddam, Connecticut. It consists of the former Echo Farm and the former Sunrise Resort, purchased in late 2008. Machimoodus has trails that follow old roads and pathways in a scenic area with great views of the Salmon and Moodus Rivers, quarries and swamps. Its a great location for bird watching, fishing, hiking and horseback riding and driving.
Other Info: Start at 11 am. Contact: Kathie Rindge @ 860-228-3801 or [email protected].
08/15/15 – Club Drive: Machimoodus
Where: Machimoodus/Sunrise State Park (map)142 Leesville Road Moodus, CT 06469
** NEW IN 2015: With the addition of the old Sunrise Resort, there are now more driving trails. Some of the trails have been cleared and improved with the help of CVDC club members. This is a local venue with easy access and will be a benefit to *all* horse people, drivers and riders, now and well into the future. We want to make our presence and interest apparent to the State through frequent and respectful use and encourage you to join us on our club outings. Machimoodus is a state park located in village of Moodus, which is part of the town of East Haddam, Connecticut. It consists of the former Echo Farm and the former Sunrise Resort, purchased in late 2008. Machimoodus has trails that follow old roads and pathways in a scenic area with great views of the Salmon and Moodus Rivers, quarries and swamps. Its a great location for bird watching, fishing, hiking and horseback riding and driving.
Other Info: Start at 11 am. Contact: Kathie Rindge @ 860-228-3801 or [email protected].
09/19/15 – Monthly Club Meeting
Where: East Haddam Grange (map)
488 Town Street East Haddam, CT 06423
Other Info: Program TBA.
09/26/15 – CVDC Scurry and Fun Day
Where: Mitchell Farm (map)
300 East Haddam Road (Rt. 82) Salem, CT, USA 06420
Equine Retirement facility located in Salem CT, easy access. Large outdoor ring just right for carriage driving. From Hartford: Take CT Rte 2 East toward Norwich/New London. Merge onto CT Rte 11 at Exit 19, toward New London. Take Exit 4 off Rte 11. At bottom of ramp go Right onto Rte 82 West. Go .2 mile to first driveway on the right. From the South (New Haven): Take I-95 North to Exit 70. Go left at the bottom of the ramp onto Rte 156. Go 8 miles to the “T” at Rte 82 (East Haddam Rd.) Turn right onto Rte 82. Mitchell Farm is 3.5 miles on the left, just before Rte 11. From the North (Boston) (I-95): Take I-95 South to Exit 82. Right at bottom of ramp onto Rte 85 North. Go 10 miles to the Roundabout at Rte 82. Go left (East) onto Rte 82 (East Haddam Road). Mitchell Farm is 1.5 miles on the right just after the Rt. 11 underpass.
Other Info: Starts at 10 am. (Rain date: Sun, Sept 27.) Contact Peter VonHalem @ 860-889-6467. More info to come.
10/03/15 – Monthly Club Meeting
Where: East Haddam Grange (map)488 Town Street East Haddam, CT 06423 Program: TBA
10/17/15 – Club Drive: Lord Creek
Where: Lord Creek (map)
373 Hamburg Rd (Rt 156) Lyme, CT 06371
Lovely private estate with rollings vistas down to the CT River, and open to equestrians through club activities. Directions: From I-95 north, exit 70, end of ramp go left onto 156N, go 2.6 miles to Lord Creek Farm on left. From I-95 south, exit 70, at end of ramp go straight onto Halls Rd. 1/4 mile to light, turn right onto 156N, go 2.6 miles to Lord Creek Farm on left. From RT 11, south to Rt. 82W, go south on 156 for 6 miles to Lord Creek Farm on right.
Other Info: Start at 11 am. Raindate: 10/18. Contact: Kathie Rindge @ 860-228-3801 or [email protected]
11/07/15 – Monthly Club Meeting & Potluck
Where: East Haddam Grange (map)
488 Town Street East Haddam, CT 06423
Other Info: program TBA
11/22/15 –Annual Nehantic Forest Turkey Trot Club Drive
Host: Cynthia Bliven Held at Woodland Farm 194 Beaver Brook Rd, Lyme, CT
Nehantic State Forest has miles of good dirt roads on rolling hills. We are planning a 5-6 mile drive. Whips can do anywhere from 2 miles to 10 if they choose, mile markers will be posted. The first (and last) mile are on a lightly traveled dead end road. Plenty of parking at Cynthia Bliven’s Woodland Farm, where we will also join for lunch (firepit and marshmallows if we feel ambitious!). Bring your lunch and a chair. For directions, click on the Nehantic Drive link in the right sidebar. For more information, please call this drive’s sponsor, Cynthia Bliven, at 860-434-3213.
12/06/15 – 2015 HOLIDAY PARTY
Where: Town Tavern (map)
381 Town Street East Haddam, CT 06423
Good down-home food, reasonable prices and friendly atmosphere. At the intersection of Rt 82 and Rt 151, near Shagbark.
Other Info: We look forward to enjoying a seasonal gathering for our annual Holiday party and dinner. SUNDAY DEC 6 AT 6:30 PM at the Town Tavern, about a mile from the Grange down the street at the intersection of Rt. 151 and Rt. 82. Come one, come all, bring your family and friends
Where: East Haddam Grange (map)
488 Town Street East Haddam, CT 06423
Other Info: Meeting 6:30 pm at the grange. Includes potluck, bring a dish to share. Bring your dirty harness and cleaning supplies, spin a few yarns, dream a few dreams, enjoy your friends.
03/07/15 – Monthly Club Meeting: Horse Crematorium
Where: East Haddam Grange (map)
488 Town Street East Haddam, CT 06423
Other Info: Meeting 6:30 pm at the grange. Program: Horse Crematorium. NO potluck.
04/11/15 – Monthly Club Meeting
Where: East Haddam Grange (map)
488 Town Street East Haddam, CT 06423
Other Info: Meeting 6:30 pm at the grange. Program: Adopt-A-Park: Machimoodus State Park & Sunrise Resort. Discussion with State Representative Melissa Ziobron (34 district) and DEEP Coordinator Wanda Torres. Includes potluck, bring a dish to share.
High Hopes Therapeutic Riding 36 Town Woods Road, Old Lyme, Connecticut 06371
Cynthia Bliven, one of the founding members of the CT Valley Driving Club, has been riding/driving, training and instructing for over 40 years. She has successfully competed in Pleasure Shows and Combined Driving Events (including when they still had all 5 sections), won championships at breed shows, and trained numerous horses and ponies to happy careers both in the show-ring and for recreational pursuits. She is a talented clinician, clearly explaining basics to beginners and challenging more experienced whips to improve their performance in logical ways.
Cynthia is highly skilled in the use of longlining as a training and performance-enhancing tool. She will also offer longlining sessions, and is available for ridden instruction as well.
Clinic Details:
- Format: Individual 50-minute sessions, beginning at 8 am.
- Fee: $90, first come, first served.
- Auditors: $20. Excellent sound system, you won’t miss a thing. (Drivers: one groom free of charge.)
04/25/15 – Club Drive: Machimoodus
Where: Machimoodus/Sunrise State Park (map)
142 Leesville Road Moodus, CT 06469
** NEW IN 2015: With the addition of the old Sunrise Resort, there are now more driving trails. Some of the trails have been cleared and improved with the help of CVDC club members. This is a local venue with easy access and will be a benefit to *all* horse people, drivers and riders, now and well into the future. We want to make our presence and interest apparent to the State through frequent and respectful use and encourage you to join us on our club outings. Machimoodus is a state park located in village of Moodus, which is part of the town of East Haddam, Connecticut. It consists of the former Echo Farm and the former Sunrise Resort, purchased in late 2008. Machimoodus has trails that follow old roads and pathways in a scenic area with great views of the Salmon and Moodus Rivers, quarries and swamps. Its a great location for bird watching, fishing, hiking and horseback riding and driving.
Other Info: First drive of the season! 11 am start. Contact Kathie Rindge to let her know you are coming (860-573-6359).
05/02/15 – Monthly Club Meeting: Harness Styles, Fit and Adjustment
Where: Cynthia Bliven, Woodland Farm (map)
194 Beaver Brook Rd Lyme, CT, USA 06371
On Beaver Brook halfway between Rt 156 and Gungy/Grassy Hill Rd, barn with silo. One mile to Nehantic State Forest. Barn phone: 86O-434-32I3. Cynthia: 86O-333-4O55
Other Info: Meeting 6:30 pm. BRING A CHAIR PLEASE. No potluck, table available for those who want to bring something. Plenty of room.
05/16/15 – Club Drive: Pachaug
Where: Pachaug State Forest (map)
219 Ekonk Hill Rd Voluntown, CT 06384
Pachaug is a great place to drive. In the Chapman area is the Frog Hollow Horse Camp—a large circular road with 18 horse camp sites for parking, a center green with picnic camp fire area. Nice non-paved woods roads. DIRECTIONS from Route 395 heading north. Take Exit 85, and continue straight past the first intersection (164) to Route 138 and turn RIGHT> Drive 6.5 miles and turn LEFT onto Route 49, and continue .6 of a mile just past the river, and turn LEFT into Pachaug State Forest on the LEFT. Follow that road in until you get to the intersection and stay towards the left. Don’t go towards the office. Then simply follow the signs for the Frog Hollow Horse Camp in the Chapman area. DIRECTIONS from Route 395 heading south. Take Exit 85, turn LEFT onto Route 138 and follow directions above.
Other Info: Start at 11 am. Raindate 5/17. Contact: Kathie Rindge @ 860-228-3801 or [email protected] to let her know you are coming.
The Connecticut Valley Driving Trial is gearing up for JUNE 6, 2015 – we are still accepting entries! This eagerly awaited event will once again take place at the beautiful Haddam Meadows State Park in Haddam, CT. Larry Poulin will serve as President of the Jury and Craig Kellogg will join us as Technical Delegate.
Also Clinic and Fun Day Slots Available for Sunday Fun Day!
• Enjoy a lesson with one of the officials the day after the event
• Or just come and play on the course for your enjoyment and practice!
• Dressage ring, cones and hazards available most of the day (through early afternoon).
• Competitors: send your clinic request along with your entry – we make it easy for you!
• Event Volunteers: remember, you get a nice discount for lessons – take this opportunity to sign up!
Some refreshments (coffee, etc.) will be provided. Please bring a light lunch for yourself. Send check made out to CVDC, Coggins and Rabies Certificate to Kathie Rindge, 36 Hoadly Rd, Amston CT 06231 / 860-228-3801 / [email protected] — mention preference for AM or PM slot. Please indicate when registering whether you would like an additional session, if they are available.
Photos to be taken by Shoot That Horse! Photography (Lisa Cenis). To view proofs and order prints, send Lisa an email.
Sunday Fun Day – sign up for a clinic session with our event officials: Larry Poulin or Craig Kellogg. Remember: the course is open for driving and riding most of the day on Sunday, until approximately 3 pm. Volunteers play for free, others pay a small $10 fee. CALL MARGUERITE HAYBER AT 860-817-3181 TO SCHEDULE A LESSON OR FOR QUESTIONS
Horse Driving Trials: What’s It All About?
For those who want just a little more information…. here is a (very) brief summary of what happens during our Horse Driving Trials. There are also many exciting videos on YouTube, search for “driving trials” or “combined driving events” – enjoy!
2015 Setup Volunteers
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 2015 PREP AND PLACEMENT (meet at Haddam Meadows at 5:30 pm)
Bill Lawson Lynn Warren Tom Wilcox Richard Hayber Peter Von Halem
Bill & Nancy Lawson, Steve Mazeau – Organizers Todd Gelston – Volunteer Coordinator Ginny Sutherland, Jill Vaccaro – Volunteer Refreshments
Marguerite Hayber – Obstacle 1 lead (2 obstacles, incl VSE) Ray Frick – Obstacle 3 lead Peter VonHalem, Nancy Lawson – Obstacles 2 & 4 lead (at will) East Haddam Agricultural Science Students (12) – obstacle crews
Tom Wilcox – general crew Reva Seybolt – general crew (midday – course) Erica Robb – general crew (midday – course) Cynthia Bliven – general crew (midday – course)
Carrie Wind, Steve Mazeau – dressage arena
FRIDAY, June 5, 2015 DECORATING, ROADS & DETAILS DAY 9:30 until … ~ Come when you can!! BRING SCREW GUNS IF YOU HAVE THEM!
Bill & Nancy Lawson, Steve Mazeau – Organizers Todd Gelston – Volunteer Coordinator Ginny Sutherland, Jill Vaccaro – Volunteer Refreshments
Linda Pershaec – general crew Alexis Wainwright – general crew Steve Mazeau – general crew Stephanie Naples – general crew Tom Wilcox – general crew Andrew Nanaa – general crew
Kathie Rindge, Dana Rindge – cones setup Charlotte Gelston – dressage arena decor Marguerite Hayber – secretary’s area setup Randy Sabatino – Judge & TD steward Jan Frick – scorekeeper setup
And anyone else who wants to stop by and help!! PIZZA & COURSE OPEN FOR WALKING*: 6:30p on the grounds (* course is not final until declared such by officials!)
2015 Event Day Volunteers--Saturday, June 6, 2015 Organizers: Bill & Nancy Lawson, Steven Mazeau Volunteer Coordinator: Todd Gelston Secretary: Marguerite Hayber Judge Steward: Randy Sabatino
AM Crew: 8:00am (Meet at Dressage/Cones as assigned)
5:45 AM Parking: Todd Gelston Trailer Safety Steward: Dick Mangino
Dressage Chair: Carrie Wind Dressage Gate Steward: Carrie Wind Dressage Scribe: Rita Bellinger
Cones Chair: Kathie Rindge Cones Scribe: Kathie Rindge Cones Gate Steward: Dana Rindge Cones Radio Relay 1: Hebron 4-H Leader Cones Radio Relay 2: Hebron 4-H #1 Cones Wheel Measurers (2): Hebron 4-H #2 and #3 Cones Setters: Hebron 4-H #4 through 10
Runners (scores & refreshments): Jennifer Onofrio, Laura Razowski
Scorekeeper: Jan Frick Scorekeeper’s asst: Jaye Winkler
PM Crew: 12pm Mandatory Briefing for all pm crew at Center Tent Radios Assistant/Runner: Nancy Franklin
Start Timers: Mary Adams, Robert Coates Start Asst: Randy Sabatino, Reva Seybolt End Timer: Ray Frick
Obstacles – team groupings and locations are flexible: Team A: Kathie Rindge, Dana Rindge, Steve Mazeau Team B: Jessica Axelson, Jennifer Onofrio, Laura Razowski Team C: Tom Wilcox, Claire Muskus, Carrie Wind Team D: Stephanie Naples, Andrew Nanaa, Sue Morton Spare Obstacle Judge: (Andrew Nanaa, if needed) Spare Obstacle Crew: Stephanie Rypsyc
Crossing Guards: Charlotte Gelston & Susan Nichols Vet: Twin Pines Equine / Dr. Matt Kornatowski Vet Box Asst: Linda Pershaec & Alexis Wainwright
06/20/15 – Monthly Club Meeting: HDT Event Review
Where: East Haddam Grange (map)
488 Town Street East Haddam, CT 06423
Other Info: 6:30 pm. Potluck at the Grange.
06/27/15 – Club Drive: Escoheag
Where: Escoheag, LeGrand Reynolds Horsemen's Area (map)
200 Escoheag Hill Road West Greenwich, RI 02832
Directions: From Route 395 heading Northbound Get off at Exit 85. Continue through stop sign (crossing Route 164) and stay straight to next intersection. Turn right onto Route 138 (South and East direction) and travel 7.5 miles. and bear onto Beach Pond Road/ CT-Route 165. Travel around 4.5 miles and turn LEFT onto Escoheag Hill Road and travel 1.5 to 2 miles to to LaGrande Reynolds Horsemen's Area on the left. We will be having lunch in the pavillion, so park with walking distance of that. (Once you're on Route 165 and cross the RI border, you will go up a hill, and then level out, and then go down a hill. Escoheag Hill Road comes up fast on the left -- so know that you'll see a horse farm on the right, and then a sign for Stepping Stone Farm and then the road will be there on the left). From Route 395 heading southbound: Route 395 to Exit 85. Turn left onto Route 138 (South and East direction) and travel 7.5 miles. and bear onto Beach Pond Road/ CT-Route 165. Travel around 4.5 miles and turn LEFT onto Escoheag Hill Road and travel 1.5 to 2 miles to to LaGrande Reynolds Horsemen's Area on the left. We will be having lunch in the pavillion, so park with walking distance of that. (Once you're on Route 165 and cross the RI border, you will go up a hill, and then level out, and then go down a hill. Escoheag Hill Road comes up fast on the left -- so know that you'll see a horse farm on the right, and then a sign for Stepping Stone Farm and then the road will be there on the left).
Other Info: Club drive - starts at 10 am. Raindate: June 28. Contact: Kathie Rindge @ 860-228-3801 or [email protected] to let her know you are coming.
07/18/15 – Monthly Club Meeting
Where: East Haddam Grange (map)
488 Town Street East Haddam, CT 06423
Other Info: 6:30 pm. Program: Ron Ross, Equine Dentist. No potluck. Meeting to discuss next year's driving trial.
07/25/15 – Club Drive: Machimoodus
Where: Machimoodus/Sunrise State Park (map)
142 Leesville Road Moodus, CT 06469
** NEW IN 2015: With the addition of the old Sunrise Resort, there are now more driving trails. Some of the trails have been cleared and improved with the help of CVDC club members. This is a local venue with easy access and will be a benefit to *all* horse people, drivers and riders, now and well into the future. We want to make our presence and interest apparent to the State through frequent and respectful use and encourage you to join us on our club outings. Machimoodus is a state park located in village of Moodus, which is part of the town of East Haddam, Connecticut. It consists of the former Echo Farm and the former Sunrise Resort, purchased in late 2008. Machimoodus has trails that follow old roads and pathways in a scenic area with great views of the Salmon and Moodus Rivers, quarries and swamps. Its a great location for bird watching, fishing, hiking and horseback riding and driving.
Other Info: Start at 11 am. Contact: Kathie Rindge @ 860-228-3801 or [email protected].
08/15/15 – Club Drive: Machimoodus
Where: Machimoodus/Sunrise State Park (map)142 Leesville Road Moodus, CT 06469
** NEW IN 2015: With the addition of the old Sunrise Resort, there are now more driving trails. Some of the trails have been cleared and improved with the help of CVDC club members. This is a local venue with easy access and will be a benefit to *all* horse people, drivers and riders, now and well into the future. We want to make our presence and interest apparent to the State through frequent and respectful use and encourage you to join us on our club outings. Machimoodus is a state park located in village of Moodus, which is part of the town of East Haddam, Connecticut. It consists of the former Echo Farm and the former Sunrise Resort, purchased in late 2008. Machimoodus has trails that follow old roads and pathways in a scenic area with great views of the Salmon and Moodus Rivers, quarries and swamps. Its a great location for bird watching, fishing, hiking and horseback riding and driving.
Other Info: Start at 11 am. Contact: Kathie Rindge @ 860-228-3801 or [email protected].
09/19/15 – Monthly Club Meeting
Where: East Haddam Grange (map)
488 Town Street East Haddam, CT 06423
Other Info: Program TBA.
09/26/15 – CVDC Scurry and Fun Day
Where: Mitchell Farm (map)
300 East Haddam Road (Rt. 82) Salem, CT, USA 06420
Equine Retirement facility located in Salem CT, easy access. Large outdoor ring just right for carriage driving. From Hartford: Take CT Rte 2 East toward Norwich/New London. Merge onto CT Rte 11 at Exit 19, toward New London. Take Exit 4 off Rte 11. At bottom of ramp go Right onto Rte 82 West. Go .2 mile to first driveway on the right. From the South (New Haven): Take I-95 North to Exit 70. Go left at the bottom of the ramp onto Rte 156. Go 8 miles to the “T” at Rte 82 (East Haddam Rd.) Turn right onto Rte 82. Mitchell Farm is 3.5 miles on the left, just before Rte 11. From the North (Boston) (I-95): Take I-95 South to Exit 82. Right at bottom of ramp onto Rte 85 North. Go 10 miles to the Roundabout at Rte 82. Go left (East) onto Rte 82 (East Haddam Road). Mitchell Farm is 1.5 miles on the right just after the Rt. 11 underpass.
Other Info: Starts at 10 am. (Rain date: Sun, Sept 27.) Contact Peter VonHalem @ 860-889-6467. More info to come.
10/03/15 – Monthly Club Meeting
Where: East Haddam Grange (map)488 Town Street East Haddam, CT 06423 Program: TBA
10/17/15 – Club Drive: Lord Creek
Where: Lord Creek (map)
373 Hamburg Rd (Rt 156) Lyme, CT 06371
Lovely private estate with rollings vistas down to the CT River, and open to equestrians through club activities. Directions: From I-95 north, exit 70, end of ramp go left onto 156N, go 2.6 miles to Lord Creek Farm on left. From I-95 south, exit 70, at end of ramp go straight onto Halls Rd. 1/4 mile to light, turn right onto 156N, go 2.6 miles to Lord Creek Farm on left. From RT 11, south to Rt. 82W, go south on 156 for 6 miles to Lord Creek Farm on right.
Other Info: Start at 11 am. Raindate: 10/18. Contact: Kathie Rindge @ 860-228-3801 or [email protected]
11/07/15 – Monthly Club Meeting & Potluck
Where: East Haddam Grange (map)
488 Town Street East Haddam, CT 06423
Other Info: program TBA
11/22/15 –Annual Nehantic Forest Turkey Trot Club Drive
Host: Cynthia Bliven Held at Woodland Farm 194 Beaver Brook Rd, Lyme, CT
Nehantic State Forest has miles of good dirt roads on rolling hills. We are planning a 5-6 mile drive. Whips can do anywhere from 2 miles to 10 if they choose, mile markers will be posted. The first (and last) mile are on a lightly traveled dead end road. Plenty of parking at Cynthia Bliven’s Woodland Farm, where we will also join for lunch (firepit and marshmallows if we feel ambitious!). Bring your lunch and a chair. For directions, click on the Nehantic Drive link in the right sidebar. For more information, please call this drive’s sponsor, Cynthia Bliven, at 860-434-3213.
12/06/15 – 2015 HOLIDAY PARTY
Where: Town Tavern (map)
381 Town Street East Haddam, CT 06423
Good down-home food, reasonable prices and friendly atmosphere. At the intersection of Rt 82 and Rt 151, near Shagbark.
Other Info: We look forward to enjoying a seasonal gathering for our annual Holiday party and dinner. SUNDAY DEC 6 AT 6:30 PM at the Town Tavern, about a mile from the Grange down the street at the intersection of Rt. 151 and Rt. 82. Come one, come all, bring your family and friends